Serenity Prayer

This prayer was composed by theologian Reinhold Neibuhr (1892-1971) in the early 1940s. God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.  Living one day at a...

Gender, Identity & Faith

Transgendered Christianity Ho do we make space in our churches for people who are transgender? A Weekend with Josephine Inkpin & Penny Jones. We live in a world where there are diverse experiences of sexuality and gender. Join us as we explore what it means to be...

Gersh & Naomi

We love Hamilton because it is inclusive, reflective, open and friendly. It’s a church where we feel accepted and loved, where we are challenged to think broadly, and encouraged to see our communities, our families and our world better reflect the way of...

Prayer of St Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;where there is sadness, joy.  O divine Master, grant that I may...